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What Sets Me Apart?


I'm realistic about what it is I offer.  Dice trays are not a radical or new product.  There are several options on the market that offer products that suit a wide variety of price ranges and styles.  In short, I'm not new to the market. 


So, what sets me apart?  The simple answer is the quality of craftsmanship that I offer.  I am woodworking because I legitimately love woodworking, and I take a great deal of pride in my work.  My trays and other products are not only designed with an interest in aesthetics, but they are also designed to be of the highest quality in craftsmanship and structure.  This is evident in the specific details that I integrate into my work.  Each dowel pin or spline is not merely a decorative element, but also a reinforcing element that guarantees strong, durable joints.  


Additionally, I can offer more singular attention to each product that I craft.  I did not get into this for the sake of making as much money as possible by churning out low quality products.  I take on a limited number of commissions at a time so that I can give each product individualized attention and guarantee a high quality end product.

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